White Belt to  Yellow  Belt Test

1. Forms:
Basic Form 1

2. Hand Techniques: 

Low Block, Inside-outside block, High Block, Middle Punch (with front stance).

3. Kick Techniques: 

Front Stretch kick, Front snap kick, Round house kick.

4. Target kick: 

Front snap kick, round house kick, Front snap & round house combination kick.

5. One step sparring: 
Adult: A Hand Technique: No. 1, 2 
Children: Long distance sparring technique: Nos. 1, 2

6. Breaking: 
Adult: Overhead Knife hand
Children: Overhead Hammer fist 

7. Free Sparring: 

No Contact - Good control techniques

8. Oral test: ( * Adult & Children )
*Name of the art we practice 

Tang Soo Do 
*World Tang Soo Do Union President’s Name:
Great Grandmaster Song-Ki Kim
*Continental Tang Soo Do President’s Name:
 Master Jino Kim
*Your Instructor’s Name: 
Adult: C.T.F. Student rules: Nos.  1 to 3
1. Salute flags when entering & exiting the Doh Jahng
2. Before class no smoking & drinking. No chewing gum during class.
3. Do not wear any jewelry while practicing.

Children: Home rules: No. 1, 2 
1.Be obedient to their parents.
2.Respect parents, family members, teacher and peers

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Continental Tang Soo Do Federation 
1900 Hard Rd. Columbus, Ohio 43235 USA (614) 889-JKIM (5546)
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