Orange belt (8th Gup) to Orange belt/one stripe (7th Gup)
Basic Form 1 to 3
Low Block, Inside-outside block, High Block (with
back stance)
Side punch with horse stance
3. Kick Techniques:
Front Stretch kick, Front snap kick,
(with skip jump)
4. Target kick:
Front snap kick - skip jump front snap kick,
Round house kick - skip jump round house kick,
Round house kick - skip jump side kick
5. One
step sparring:
Adult: A Hand Technique: Nos. 1 to 6
Children: Long distance sparring technique: Nos. 1
to 4
6. Breaking:
Men: Reverse Punch
Women: Palm Strike
Children: Overhead Knife hand
7. Free
No Contact - Good control techniques
8. Oral test
*Count 1-10 in Korean
1:Hah-Nah 2:Dool
3:Set 4:Net 5:Tah-Sot
6:Yo-Sot 7:IL-Gop
8:Yo-Dol 9:Ah-Hop 10:Yol
Adult: C.T.F student rules 7 to 10
7. Students must obey & respect Instructor.
8. Maintain proper posture at all time
(No hands on hips & no arms crossed inside Doh
9. You must have permission from your instructor to
participate in any tournament.
10. Never use drugs.
Children: Home rules: No. 1 to 6
1. Be obedient
to their parents.
2. Respect parents, family members, teacher and
3. Appreciate their parents and teacher.
4. Do their homework and not rely on their parents.
5. Don’t lie and don’t say bad words.
6. Always keep themselves clean.
Continental Tang Soo Do Federation
1900 Hard Rd. Columbus, Ohio 43235 USA (614) 889-JKIM (5546)
©1999-2017 Continental Tang Soo Do Federation All
Rights Reserved.