belt (6th Gup) to Green belt/one stripe (5th Gup)
Basic 1 to Basic 5
2. Hand
Knife hand low block, Knife hand middle block
Inside-outside block (With back stance).
Spear hand with front stance
3. Kick
Front snap kick, Round house kick, Side kick
(With jump)
Target kick:
Jump front snap kick, Jump round house kick,
Jump side kick
and combination
jump kick
5. One step sparring:
Adult: A Hand 1 to 6 and A Kick 1 to 4
Children: Long distance sparring technique: Nos. 1
to 6
6. Breaking:
Adult: Back kick
Children: Back kick
7. Free
No Contact - Good control techniques
8. Oral test:
Adult: Hand Book Page 3 to 15:
Explain any
or go to Tang Soo Do Knowledge Site
Adult: Count
10, 20, 30…100 in Korean
10:Yol 20:Soo-Mool
30:Saw-Roon 40:Mah-Hoon 50:She-Hoon
60:Yeh-Soon 70:E-Roon 80:Yo-Doon
90:Ah-Hoon 100:Bek
Children: Home rules: No. 1 to 10
1.Be obedient to their parents.
2. Respect parents, family members, teacher and
3. Appreciate their parents and teacher.
4. Do their homework and not rely on their parents.
5. Don’t lie and don’t say bad words.
6. Always keep themselves clean.
7. Study and train hard so they can be healthy and
successful in life.
8. Sleep early and wake up early.
9. Not complain and eat what is good for them.
10. Not interrupt adult conversations.
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